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- »CL9:»SML:--------------------------------------
- »CL8:Interview with
- »BIG:Danny and Louie
- »SML:»CL9:--------------------------------------
- »CL4: by Sprocket
- »CL0:In the last couple of years, »CL1:The Black
- Lotus» has more or less dominated the
- »CL1:Amiga» scene. For some strange reason,
- this group has managed to gather some
- of the scene's best coders, musicians
- and graphicians. This is an interview
- with two of the latter, namely »CL1:Danny»
- and »CL1:Louie». These two guys have topped
- the charts for quite a while now, and
- it all climaxed when they released a
- fantastic co-op picture at »CL1:The
- Gathering 1997». What's their story?
- How did they manage to come this far?
- In this interview, the famous couple
- will try to answer to some of the
- questions, accusations and rumours
- about themselves.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Hello! I see you both have
- arrived safely, so I guess we
- can start the interview, then?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Sure.. I'm ready
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Well, I have to fix my hair!!!
- :)
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Oh.. Yeah, me too.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Hehe.. :)
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Ok, can you like.. Tell me
- about how you started? When did
- you enter the scene?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: You can start, Danny boy.
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Well, it started a while ago..
- I think I became a member of
- the amiga scene back in 1992,
- at the Prime '92 party.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Oh? Did you release anything at
- the party?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Yes. I drew a bunch of
- pictures, and we made a
- slideshow out of it.
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: I released my first picture at
- The Party 3.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: A lot of the scene's
- graphicians are also very
- talented real-life artists.
- Have you always been interested
- in drawing, or could you just
- as well have ended up coding or
- making music?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Hehe.. Well let Danny speak first!
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: No, after you my friend.. :)
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: No, you start! :)
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Well.. No, I wasn't very good
- at drawing when I was a little
- kid. When I was about 6, I got
- sent back from kindergarten one
- day, to show my awful stuff at
- home! :)
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Well, you've come a long way
- since then, that's for sure..
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Yes, but it was a humiliating
- experience.. I've been wanting
- revenge ever since! ;) I
- actually wanted to be a
- musician when I was younger,
- because my father is one. I
- didn't have what it takes to
- become one, though, I couldn't
- play a note. A long time ago I
- even did some simple c64 basic
- programming. Assembly proved to
- be over my head, though... As
- the years passed, my drawing
- skills improved, and then I
- decided to start practising my
- favorite non-computer hobby on
- the computer aswell.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: How about you, Louie? You seem
- like you've always been good at
- drawing?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Well, I started when I was 12,
- so I've been drawing for a
- while now.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Oh.. How old are you both, by
- the way?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: I am 19... :)
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: I am 23.
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Danny is an old man.. :)
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Louie is a young unexperienced
- lad.. ;)
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: OLD MAN!!! :D
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: :D
- »PIC:Mno1»
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Who inspired you in the
- beginning? :) You must have
- stolen some ideas, techniques
- etc?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Well, I've always liked Rob
- Ruppel..
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Fantasy art inspired me most.
- Then later along came the works
- of Disney and some famous older
- painters like Renoir, Monet,
- etc.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Oh.. So, who's Rob Ruppel?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: He's a painter from TSR, an
- American novel company.
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Yep, a fantasy-realistic type
- of artist.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Oh, I've never heard about him,
- but I've seen some pictures
- from Jeff Easley and Larry
- Elmore, for example.. I think
- they work for the same company?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Yes, it's the same company.
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: And there's Clyde Caldwell and
- Fred Fields.
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: And Burt Reynolds!
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: BURT? :D
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: You know, "Smokey and the
- bandit", Black TransAm :D
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Oh, him.. :)
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Any scene graphicians you
- admired too?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Hmm.. At the time I thought
- Cougar was good.. and some
- others.. but I mostly liked
- non-scene art more.
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Cougar's trainpic in
- Interference made me shit my
- pants full when I saw it for the
- first time!
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Hehe.. And Facet, for example,
- was really poplular back then,
- wasn't he?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Yes. Facet and I used to have
- frequent telephone
- conversations on gfx those
- days, talking about ideas and
- techniques.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Oh, do you know him IRL?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Well.. I haven't spoken to him
- since The Party 5, but some
- years ago I knew him quite
- well, yes.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: You two, then? Danny and Louie,
- I mean.. Are you good friends?
- Do you meet a lot in real life?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: I don't have a real life! :) I
- work to damn hard.. trying to
- find TPKs.. and pornos! :)
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Hahaha! Yes... Louie has a nose
- for finding porn! :) Well,
- Louie spent some days at my
- place in London a while back..
- sleeping on the floor, next to
- a noisy fridge! :) And we meet
- at parties of course.. Plus he
- promised that I could visit him
- in Sweden any time.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Ok.. Good thing you mentioned
- the floor, or else we'd have
- ourselves another Tip/Mantronix
- scandal! :D
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: But you obviously are so good
- friends that you co-operate
- well. Your tg97 pic.. Who made
- what? And how did you do it?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Well.. I'll let Louie answer
- that one.
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Oh.. thanks, but no thanks! :)
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: We all heard rumours about
- scanning and Photoshop..?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Well.. Louie and I will be
- publishing a nice little
- article about people who accuse
- us of using scanners.. since we
- both are quite fed up of being
- falsely accused..
- I started on the picture in
- Brilliance on the Amiga a long
- time ago, and left it half
- finished for months. Then about
- a week before the Gathering I
- knew I had to do a picture..
- but I also knew that I couldn't
- finish it on my own. I
- mentioned it to Rodney, and he
- said that Louie had the same
- problem, so Louie and I decided
- to finish the picture together.
- I told him what "look" I wanted
- (I even phoned him in sweden :)
- First we decided that we'd make
- it a 256 color pic, using only
- the Amiga, but since time
- pressured us and the thought of
- 24bit colors was so tempting,
- we later decided to make it an
- 800x600x24bit Photoshop
- picture.
- I had already begun working on
- the lady on the Amiga and sent
- a preview to Louie.
- We decided that I would finish
- the woman and that Louie would
- do the wings plus the
- background. After some tweaking
- with the wing shape/size in
- sketches done by Louie we came
- to a final look.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Ok.. But I've been told that
- Louie drew it by hand, scanned
- it, and you co-oped in
- Photoshop? And you used
- drawing boards to make it? Is
- that not true?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: That is not true! I drew the
- wings and background in
- Photoshop, from scratch.
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Well.. We both use a Wacom
- Ultrapad A4 tablet, which is
- basically a pressure sensitive
- replacement for a mouse. It
- works more natural, because you
- draw the same way as you do on
- paper, and thus it's faster,
- too.
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: A pad is more artistic in some
- strange way, I guess..?
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: So, what do you think will be
- the future of the Amiga scene?
- It seems like you're moving to
- PC (800*600, Photoshop, 24bit
- pictures)
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Bridges are made to cross,
- that's my theory.
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Well.. I'm personally not too
- keen on keep doing 256
- pictures.. The 24bit aspect has
- finally freed us as artists. No
- more hardware limitations
- concerning colors. Now we can
- almost paint like we both used
- to on paper.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Well, yes. But don't you feel
- attached to the Amiga scene? Or
- do you both think it's ok to
- convert to the PC scene? A 24
- bit Amiga scene will probably
- never exist..
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Well.. The Amiga was great a
- few years ago, but it has been
- lagging behind ever since!
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: But as far as our computer work
- goes, NO, we do NOT scan. It's
- simply not interesting! There's
- no challenge what so ever.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Oh? Don't you even scan
- sketches made by hand? Which
- YOU have made?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Well, since I also draw on
- paper it would be tempting to
- scan my own stuff and use that
- for computer work. But the
- worlds in which I draw simply
- lie too far apart to even think
- of doing so. I'll rather try to
- do my best on both seperately..
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Hmm.. I scan some of the
- pictures I make by hand. It's
- quicker sometimes.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Talented graphicians, for
- example Made, have admitted
- that they use the scanner quite
- a lot.. What do you think about
- that?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Did Made admit he uses a
- scanner? When and where??
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Yes, he admitted it in an
- interview with No Sense.
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Oh, that's really odd, since he
- (not too long ago) accused me
- of scanning my stuff. I got
- REALLY furious! He had a jpg of
- a photo I had used as reference
- for my TP6 picture. So he said
- my pictures are copies. It's so
- incredibly frustrating and
- disrespectfull to hear someone
- comment on your work by saying
- it is scanned when you've
- worked so many hours to do it
- the fair way!
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: I know! But I don't see how YOU
- can be accused of that? People
- must surely have seen that you
- have been talented a long time?
- I mean.. Quite Unusual,
- Lovelocks, etc.
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Well.. The long time sceners
- may see that, but there's new
- people coming to the scene
- every day. It's those people
- who seem to be ignorant of the
- truth.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: But Made's not a newbie. I think
- it's strange.
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Yes.. I couldn't believe he
- accused me. We spoke a long
- time on IRC. I was trying to
- open his eyes.. I guess I
- convinced him a bit.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Anyway.. you both do quite a
- lot of commercial work? Danny
- works at Domark, etc?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: Yes. But it's Eidos Interactive
- btw..
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Ok. Do you get many offers from
- game companies etc?
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: During the Party 3 I got quite
- some. Nowadays not as much
- though, but I didn't have any
- difficulties with getting the
- job I have now. There's a lot
- of companies who'd like to see
- me come I guess.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Yes, I know. :)
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Right now I'm working for
- Digital Illusions.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Oh, any secret projects?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: We're developing a 3D game for
- PSX and PC.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: That's sounds nice! A pity it
- isn't released on Amiga,
- though..
- (At this moment, Danny had to go, but
- Louie stayed to finish the interview)
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Well, the time is running, you
- must go, don't you? I think
- I've gotten enough answers to
- make a nice interview.. :)
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: okay.. :)
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Thank you VERY MUCH! I REALLY
- appreciate it! :D
- »CL3:Danny:»CL0: well. you're welcome dude!
- anytime..
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: So, Louie, then it's just the
- two of us. :)
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Guess so..
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: I noticed that you were treated
- very much like a VIP person at
- The Gathering. You got a
- separate room where you could
- smoke, drink and all sorts of
- stuff.. :) So, I wonder.. If
- you were a totally unknown
- graphician, would you still be
- on the scene? Does the
- prize-money mean much to you,
- or are you just doing it for
- the fun?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: Hmm.. Well.. It gives me a very
- good feeling to walk up to the
- stage and receive my prize. At
- that moment, I think I feel
- more or less like an athlete
- who has just won a
- championship. Perhaps that's
- what keeps me going, I don't
- know, really. Prizes are nice,
- that's not the main issue,
- though. I do it for the fun.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Ok! I have been wondering about
- a thing. Perhaps the readers
- don't care, but I do! There has
- been a lot of rumours about
- your relatively old picture "Me
- and my little sis". People say
- all sorts of stuff.. Like
- you've scanned it from a
- Swedish magazine. Is this true?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: No, that's not true. I first
- drew it on paper, and then I
- scanned my sketch in black and
- white. I used Brilliance's tint
- function to colorize the
- picture. Not much to say about
- it, really, as it's really old.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Well, it seems like both of you
- have more or less stopped using
- your Amiga... Will you ONLY
- make 24-bit pictures in the
- future, even though great art
- packages like Brilliance and
- PPaint exist on the Amiga?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: As you know, both Offa and Eq
- have totally quit the Amiga
- scene, for example. I think
- that will be more or less the
- case for me too.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: So, are you going to quit the
- scene in the near future, or
- will you keep making pictures
- for the various parties?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: That's a nice question. I
- haven't really given it too
- much thought yet. But I have
- been thinking about making a
- 24-bit slideshow for a while
- now... I am still going to go
- to parties, I think. Not only
- for the compos, but just aswell
- for meeting friends. That's
- what's fun.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Finally, I have always
- wondered.. When you start
- drawing your pictures.. What
- goes through your head? Do you
- just want to make a nice pic,
- or are you trying to say
- something with it?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: I think a whole lot about the
- pictures before I start
- drawing. It all started when I
- whas making "Wishes". Wishes
- has a rather deep story to it..
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Oh, tell me?
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: I thought about a little girl,
- about 12 years old, who is a
- drug abuser. She wants to stop.
- She wants to get them. The
- picture shows a little girl who
- wants to be free. Like the
- water.. Like the clouds. She
- wants to be free in both body
- and soul.
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Whoa! You should start
- attaching text files to the
- pictures. ;)
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: :)
- »CL4:Q:»CL0: Well, no matter how interesting
- I think it is talking to you,
- we must end this interview
- before it gets too long! :)
- Thank you very much for
- answering my questions, I
- really appreciate it!
- »CL2:Louie:»CL0: No problem! Cya around! :)